If you are wondering how two young ordinary guys (read: brothers) from Pune started something as outrageous and fancy as a brewery…
If you’re interested to know about how their love story with beer began.
And more importantly, if you are curious about whether their mother ran after them with a rolling pin after she was told they were going to manufacture alcohol…
Read on. The story gets quite interesting…
Hello! I’m Ameya, the elder one. I’m a chemical engineer by degree and a world-class napper by decree! Super passionate about numbers, efficiency and data crunching – I look after all the business management and operations at Yavasura. On most days you will find me happily engrossed in an excel sheet, humming a Bob Dylan song and sipping hot coffee (I drink stuff other than beer too, you know).
I’ve been a beer lover ever since I started to (and was allowed to) drink. The mere smell of beer would make me…. Aaah chuck it! I can’t lie on my own website!
I HATED beer the first time I had it! There! I said it.
Yes, it’s true. I couldn’t finish my first glass of beer and had to slowly and sneakily dunk it out when no-one was looking. But then again, very rarely do people enjoy their first beer, and I was no different.
You see folks, the magic and charm of beer, is that it grows on you. It bonds you with your friends and family; yet at the same time… it frees you.

Mr. Tambourine Man
Rapid Fire Round (Toggle to read more)
Everything! Right from watching the myriad reactions of people when I tell them I run a Brewery! Ha! It’s quite amusing! But to be honest what I enjoy the most is meeting new people in similar or related lines and having interesting conversations with them over a cold beer.
Gorging on a Cheesecake, then running it off on the gorgeous Pune hills. And yes. Spending quality time with my wife! 😊
The combinations are different! I enjoy sharing a beer with my dad in our terrace garden just as much as I enjoy clinking beer cans at a party with friends. It can be after a stressful day at work, or to celebrate a milestone. That’s the beauty of beer!
Our motto says it all! Crafting (extra)ordinary moments in the lives of beer drinkers. Beer has long since gotten people together. It is neither a drink that requires a lot of fuss (Hey honey- where’s the soda and ice for the whiskey?), nor is it a pretentious drink (Ooooh! Someone’s gone all hoity-toity with wine). It is simple. It is affordable. And it is delicious!
Beer can be enjoyed anywhere – at a fancy restaurant or even at a stadium while watching a game! Pop open a few beer cans – the mood will lighten, the food will taste yummier, and the conversations get more exciting and fun!
THESE are the moments that we wish to be part of! Our motivation lies in providing quality and heavenly beer to beer lovers. Because you see – The better the beer, the more extraordinary the moments!

Like a rolling stone
Hey guys! I’m Partha. The one who scared our mum by bringing home dozens of books about Beer. Yep, I’m a self-taught brewer and have gone from being completely oblivious to the existence of craft beer to being the Head Brewer at Yavasura!
An Engineer by education, I never knew I could study as much until I started nerding out on Beer – reading, researching, and experimenting with various combinations and concoctions. I had made it my life’s purpose to understand what goes on behind and in that bubbly nectar, we call beer.
Wherever I go, I keep picking up inspiration for new flavors and combinations for our brews. Whether it was our research trip to Europe, or a regular morning spent in our rooftop garden trimming the basil plant, my brewer radar is always turned on!
You will be surprised to know that my first target audience, or should I say the ‘Royal Tasters of Yavasura’ are none other than my Mum and Dad (other than Ameya of course). A small nod of the head and a smack of the lips from the two of them, and I’m a happy man. You see, I believe that beer isn’t only for the young and hip. It’s for the young at heart.
Rapid Fire Round (Toggle to read more)
Well, I enjoy a beer anytime, and with everyone! But one that’s very special to me is the one that I share with my best friend from college. During our college days we would study together for hours, and then finally call it a night after sharing a pint of beer each. Now he is in the U.S, but we’ve still managed to keep the ritual alive by having a conversation and a pint together every now and then, over video calls. The beer is just as delicious, and the conversations just as awesome!
Without sounding too clichéd – Brewing better beer! Getting people closer!
Beer has this misconception around it, you know – that it’s always bitter! Our regular diets are essentially skewed towards either sweet or spicy palates. So when it comes to beer, many people tend to wrinkle their noses and turn away. But beer doesn’t have to be brown and bitter, it can be brewed better. (Sorry for the tongue twister!). Which is why I’m trying to make better and funkier beer that everyone can enjoy! That’s my driving force….. with a nitro booster!